Red Tail Legacy Partners seeks to partner in the building and operations of housing communities targeted to politically progressive young adults (ages 20 - 35), in strategically-targeted locations across America.
The America Forward Movement is a long-term solution to the racial animus infecting today's America. It organizes young adults into racially- and ethnically-diverse, fun, learning and living environment where they can express and imprint their values on the nation through their collective voting power.
The nation has a 6.8 million unit housing shortage: those units will eventually be built somewhere, by somebodies (wealthy developers), for some purpose (to get richer). Why not build them in a manner to stabilize society for the future, instead of the past? By organizing new housing developments targeted to young adults in selected states to ensure a White supremacist can never again receive 270 electoral college votes to be elected to the presidency, and in more rural areas of states, we seek to stop the political radicalization being led by politicians, not the people. We bring America together by diminishing the urban-rural and anti-diversity political divides being exploited by politicians.
We leverage the $65 billion federal investment (in the 2021 bi-partisan Infrastructure Act) in rural broadband and the national transition to remote learning and work brought about by COVID-19, and we open new areas of the country to profitable, market-based development and the resettlement of rural America by young, progressive voters.
We seek to provide career-focused learning opportunities and the co-curricular supports of a college environment, creating all the life advancement and socialization benefits of a four-year degree in an on-campus environment -- but without the crippling college debt. (Thanks to the "Reagan Revolution", 1984 was the last time the average student graduated with more grant-in-aid than debt. Now, businesses are moving away from the four-year degree as a marker for hiriing.)
We build career skills together, engage in the civic life of the local community, socialize together – making the best friends of our lives. We can defeat today's Nazis by coming together in love in the right places, building community and voting. Leasing by bedroom, the units are affordable at 70% of Area Median Income (roughly a retail worker's full-time salary).
We organize around economic opportunity, the beauty of diversity, love, and political power. Each "community" has around 1,000 adults (voters)--perhaps at different sites in the same area, but all connected programmatically. Further all of the regional communities are connected electronically and through periodic events around political life or socialization.
Career Development Services
We organize around economic opportunity, the beauty of diversity, love, and political power. Our career counselors meet with new residents and engage in a variety of career assessments with them to help residents understand their values and work preferences, and then align those elements with potential career pathways.
We then engage in career exploration and mapping of next steps in career progression, including identification of efficient training routes. We organize career field interest groups, study groups, and networking events.
Voter Activation and Mobilization
We support the development of resident-led political study groups to engage in and organize around issues of their concern. Voting in every election is a lease requirement, and these resident-led groups engage in voter education and understanding local candidates and national issues. Voting is celebrated in the community and resident leaders provide information and organize around absentee and early voting, trips to the polling locations and celebration of election results.
Civic Engagement and Socialization
Resident engagement in local community is important, and we provide information about local festivals, access to local adult sports leagues, opportunities to coach little leagues, and volunteer opportunities in schools and libraries. We provide on-line platforms for residents to organize into interest groups and engage in field trips together.